Prom 50's Diner

Elkhart High School is finally being able to host a prom after a year of Covid. The junior class is using the “50’s Diner” as their theme on April 17th, 2021. Promenade begins at 6:00 pm and will conclude at 6:45 pm. The main events start at 7:00 pm. The attendees will be served classic diner food, such as cheeseburgers and chicken strips with fried pickles and mini cor dogs for appetizers. Students attending the dance will be immersed in the theme by the servers wearing attire from the time period. In agreeance to recent guidelines set by the school board, attendees will not have to wear masks and are allowed to bring dates from out of town. Elkhart High School encourages people to watch the Promenade to see all of our students dressed to the nines!